Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So I have been gone for a while...

Well folks I know I have been gone for a while, but it was definitley a good thing! I have been doing some serious soul searching anf trying really hard to get back to the person I really am, not the one everyone thinks I should be. Over the past few months I have started listening to pop music, pondering getting my nails done, gossiping, and skipping out on church. Now, not that listening to pop music or getting your nails done is a bad thing, it is well, just not me. I like country music for the most part and rock (which is strange but oh well) and I keep my nails short and tidy. So what's with me becoming this other person? Heck if I know. I guess sometimes I just feel like I need to be someone else in order for certain people to accept me. LIke the music I listen to, the clothes I wear, the things I do to my nails and hair, all of these things dealing with my appearance and material things.
But what really matters is what God, my husband, and my step son think about me. And that's pretty much it, and I can tell you right now that I know for a fact they like the real me better! So folks from here on get the real me! Ha! =) So you better get ready because the real me is...well me.

P.S. I got an email a couple of days ago from the blog designer...remember that contest I won a while back? Oh it's soo cute! Can't wait for everyone to see it!!


  1. darlin..i been exactly where you are. And from experience, God and your family are the only ones that matter. And the people that truly love you, will accept you for who you are no matter what!

  2. Thank you Kasey! It is so nice to get some encouragement =)

  3. You will find yourself again soon lady! You've been through a lot, and it's easy to lose yourself a bit in some of those big life changes. Just let God guide you back though; He will help you find your way back to you!

  4. Thank you SIF!! I really need to start reading my Bible and getting back in church! My husband and I are realizing we can't do it on our own!

  5. I can't wait to see the new design! :o)
