Wednesday, March 24, 2010


That is how I have felt the past few days. Friday I just slept all day. Then Saturday the same. Sunday I moved around a lot more, but still mostly just relaxed. Monday was MUCH better...I was up and around and even picked me step son up from school. I heart him so much. He just makes me so darn happy! But then he left off to school yesterday and back to Mommy's house. Then my husband had to leave for two days for work. So I have been feeling REALLY blah and sad these past couple of days. I am sure it is just my hormones and everything from the surgery, yesterday morning I had a meltdown on my poor husband before he left for out of town. I just cried and said I didn't want him to leave and I didn't understand why he would want to be with a woman who had all these issues, when he could just be with one who could get pregnant right away...easy peasy. He said I don't care about what I could have with anyone else, I love you. And while it made me feel better, he still left and I am still feeling blah and insecure.

Anyone else ever feel like this? I am sure it will pass. And I am sure it's my hormones. You see right in the middle of all this recovery, I started. Yes Aunt Flo showed her face. And it's horrible this time because it's what a period is supposed to be like, not like any I've ever had before! But the Dr said it would be that way.

So I don't mean to throw myself a pity party...but just getting these feelings out makes me feel better. Thanks for listening!!


  1. I'm sorry your feeling this way :(. I hate when i'm alone for a few days, you just get lonely. Cheer up though. Take yourself shopping, or just OUT of the house! just laying around isn't going to make you feel better!

  2. Boo! :( Hang in there hun! I'll be thinking of you!

  3. Thanks ladies! My husband just texted me and said he is going to get to come home tonight, so that really brightened my day! Thanks for the encourgament...we are going to have a relaxing evening and walk the dogs tonight! I couldn't ask for a better evening!

  4. hi there - I just found your blog and read your post about surgery. I wanted to introduce myself bc we have a lot in common. We've dealt w/ infertility for nearly 5 years. I was diagnosed w/ endo in'08 (had the same surgery of course) and they discovered my uterus was heartshaped too! Unfortunately mine can't be fixed. I did the lupron for 6 months (you didn't mention the med by name, but I assume that's what you're doing too) It really does help a lot w/ the endo pain!! If you have any questions at all I would be happy to answer since I've been down this road for quite some time. :) You can find my email at my blog...

    praying for you!!

  5. PS -- Im your newest follower! :)

  6. Hi soon I saw your comment and you followed I checked your blog! I only had time to read a couple posts since I am supposed to be working right now... =) But I have added to my list of things to do tonight, I love it! I can't wait to read more of your story...and you may get tired of me after answering all my questions I might have! LOL...Thank you for your prayers!
